from January 2016, Outside My Window

Only at this time of year is a "perfect" garden
possible - and what a stunning vision it is!

A few months ago it seemed the drudgery of endless weeds, pest problems, and attempts to get my fingernails clean, would never end.  But at this time of year all drudgery is forgotten, and only the wonderful possibilities of beautiful plants, and the season ahead, are on my mind!  Wish lists and to-do plans are forming, and an excitement over what surprises my 2016 garden will offer, is rising.   

- will the experimental Muhly grass (marginally hardy) planted last season make it?

- will the new Primula under the spruce tree get enough moisture to do well? ...

- will the little slip of root that was the only thing left of my Clematis 'Bourbon' after my house move last year, make it over winter? ...

- will my nursery source those hardy Bamboos I want to try, in time for spring planting? ...

 Even in the depths of winter, a perennial garden engages the mind and soul in a way that few things can. 

Go make yourself a large cup of hot tea, take your laptop over to a seat by the window overlooking the snow covered garden, and then click over to the Articles and Tips pages here to enjoy your "perfect" 2016 garden!

   Cheers! Evelyn


January 9th, 2010, Outside My Window
the benefits of leaving clean up until spring.  Interesting stems and seed heads to decorate the snow.When designing a garden planting, winter should factor into your plans as much as the flowering season.  Bark colours, plant forms, grass plumes, tufted seedheads ...
Once the blanket of white envelopes everything, a winter garden can be just as interesting to look out onto than in summer.   Different, but beautiful in it's own more subtle way.

a new 'Arnold's Promise' Witchhazel in January.  If all goes well it will be blooming by March.I leave most of my dead debris clean-up until late March just before the ground starts to thaw.  (Later in April the soil is saturated with water and walking on it badly damages it's structure.) 

              Happy new year!        Evelyn







SEED - It all starts here.

An Act of Confidence.
Evelyn Wolf, Feb 2001

Though I do not believe that a plant will spring up 
where no seed has been, I have great faith in a seed.  
Convince me that you have a seed there, and I am 
prepared to expect wonders
Henry D. Thoreau, from

What is it that is so alluring about planting seed?  Buying starter plants in spring is much easier after all.  Perhaps it's that it all starts here – the promise that spring WILL come and flowers WILL bloom again. 

Spring seems so far away still, but on a late winter day while sorting through seed catalogues and old seed packs, worries of the moment fade quickly to thoughts of new plants to fill gaps in the perennial bed ... cheerful flowers for the wedding bouquet in July ... tomatoes for an August family picnic ... herbs for drying to flavour the family's favourite winter stew. 

Such possibilities in those tiny packages!  

Last year's garden and the entire season ahead is all imagined clearly in those few quiet winter moments when seeds are sown.  Those little peat pots are filled with rich soil from last year's compost pile ... planted up with seed perhaps passed on by a friend or saved from year to year from your mother's garden ... and given a little water to bring them to life.  The circle complete.  Life's connections refreshed.  Secrets, dreams, promises for the future, and memories of the past - all wrapped up safely in shiny coats on your fingertips. 

Sowing seed is an act of confidence in new beginnings, a bountiful future, and hope that our faith in some things still being simple and sure is not unfounded.  When we have “faith in a seed”, all seems possible.

Evelyn Wolf





  In winter gardeners plan their "perfect" garden with the help of some books to inspire.  We'll get it "right" this time.  Successes and failures are reviewed, plant lists are made, new combinations planned, new beds charted.  With the help of a few good books, this time the succession of bloom will be seamless and we'll remember to consider "winter interest" in our planting scheme.  In the end, perhaps only a few of the these plans will be carried through, but is there a better way to pass the cold snowy days?  Evelyn